And if we're already talking about Thanksgiving, Christmas is not too far behind! Here is a
12 week timetable for the holidays. I love planning! I will add my comments in
white. :)
Week #1 - List Week
October 5-11
Make your lists of gift recipients, Christmas cards, menus for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's, goodies to share or to give, favorite meals to prepare ahead, decorations needed, and gifts to make.
Yep, already did the gift lists (even mine :)) and Thanksgiving menu. No menu for Christmas or New Year's as we visit family. However, Rachel has been asking about us hosting Christmas. Maybe next year. And I've set the date for holiday baking. I just need to decide what. I need to verify tamale day with Mom. Gifts to make? I am thinking of having Rachel make ornaments for the grandparents. Decorations to make? Maybe hang a zillion stars from our dining room ceiling (can be seen from the street). I better get to that!Week #2 - Browse Week
October 12-18
Develop and record ideas for gifts and decorations. Ask yourself the following questions:
What would our ideal Christmas be like?
What activities are particularly important to our family at Christmas?
How much emphasis do our Christmas activities place on the spiritual side of Christmas?
We've decided no gifts for extended family except for the kids and I have to tell you, it feels so liberating! I'm actually not worrying about what gift to give whom and having alot of time to plan activities that we enjoy.
My sister does a pizza party for family and friends. I'm hoping to help her a bit on that.
We will be making tamales with my mom. I really need to learn to do them.Week #3 - Supplies Week
October 19-25
After inventorying supplies on hand, purchase non-perishables needed for holiday baking, supplies needed for gift making, film, batteries, gift wrapping, and Christmas cards as needed.
Hmmm...did she consider the family photo to go on the card? I've set aside a weekend for that and discovered that CostCo has the *cheapest* photo cards for Christmas. Gift wrapping - check. No need for film. We are digital, baby! Start making paper stars for dining room.Week #4 - Baking Week
October 26 - November 1
Set aside the time needed to complete holiday goodie making. Make lists of toys, books, and clothes that children would enjoy and keep the list handy for telling family members who ask what they would like.
We bake at the end of October? I had no idea! Do cookies last that long? Hmmm...maybe we'll start baking next weekend. :)Week #5 - Gift Making Week
November 2-8
Focus your energies on completing gifts to be made, setting aside gifts that aren't coming together, and writing a Christmas letter. Find family photos suitable for inclusion with Christmas cards.
Okay, I will get over to Michael's and figure out if we'll do ornaments for the grandparents. I was thinking of doing a Christmas letter this year. She finally mentions a photo. Week #6 - Shopping Week
November 9-15
Decorate your home for Thanksgiving and focus on gift buying for prepared list. Wrap and label packages as you go. Set aside needed shipping boxes.
I will decorate for Thanksgiving as soon as the jack'o'lanterns are gone. I've bought one gift for Rachel. I really need to get on the ball.Week #7 - Shopping Week #2
November 16-22
Complete as much shopping as possible. Take advantage of many items that are on sale before Thanksgiving! Check Thanksgiving menus and grocery lists: purchase any additional, needed supplies.
Week #8 - Thanksgiving Week
November 23-29
Use this week to prepare Thanksgiving dishes, pies, homemade rolls: enjoy the holiday with your family.
Week #9 - Mailing Week
November 30 - December 6
Complete package wrapping for gifts to be shipped. Complete addressing and mailing of Christmas correspondence.
Week #10 - Meal Making and Decorating Week
December 7-13
Prepare some favorite meals and other baked goods for the hectic days ahead. Decorate. Involve children in memory making!
Week #11 - Final Shopping/Wrapping Week
December 14-20
Complete last minute details and enjoy holiday parties, concerts, and family activities.
Week #12 - Celebrate!
December 21-27
Enjoy the Holidays with Family and Friends! Take time to drive the neighborhoods to enjoy holiday lighting displays. Enjoy family traditions and special meals. Enjoy, and please let us know how it works out. We would love to have your feedback!