Prop 1A: Changes Budget Process. Limits State Spending. Increases "Rainy Day" Budget Stabilization Fund.
Prop 1B: Education Funding. Payment Plan.
If both 1A and 1B are passed, then General Fund revenues would be taken from the Budget Stabilization Fund and paid to K-12 schools and community colleges until the entire $9.3 billion due them under Prop 1B is paid; these payments cannot be suspended by the Governor. These props will also extend the sales tax increase from one year to two years.Prop 1C: Lottery Modernization Act.
Allow proceeds to go to the state budget rather than to schools directly. The state would increase payments from the General Fund. Increase prizes to encourage more tickets sold. Allow the state to borrow from future lottery profits.Prop 1D: Children's Services Funding.
Allows temporary use of a significant portion of Prop 10 (First 5) funds to pay General Fund costs for existing programs for children up to age 5. Will delete the allocation now provided for anti-smoking ads.Prop 1E: Mental Health Services Funding.
Amends the Mental Health Services Act (Proposition 63 of 2004) to transfer funds, for a two-year period, from mental health programs under that act to pay for mental health services for children and young adults provided through the EPSDT. In 2009-10, $226.7 million would be redirected; in 2010-11 between $226.7 and $234 million would be redirected. The redirected funds would offset state costs for the EPSDT otherwise paid for by the General Fund, thus achieving savings to help balance the budget.Prop 1F: Elected Officials' Salaries. Prevents Pay Increases During Budget Deficit Years.
Would amend the state Constitution to prevent the commission from approving salary increases in years when the state is expected to run a deficit.Click
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