Friday, April 11, 2008

Homeschooling Redux

So it looks like we are leaning towards homeschooling again. Believe me, this was not planned at all, but it's a decision that feels right all around. Rachel has been at a public school kindergarten this past year and it's okay. I guess that's the problem. It's okay and there hasn't been anything that made us feel like, "yeah! I really love that they are doing this in school" or something like that. It even took until April for Rachel to excitedly tell me she learned something new in school (chess). Sigh.

And after visiting the classroom during Parents' Day, we didn't come away with a warm fuzzy feeling. There is just so much 'stuff' in the room and the walls are crammed with artwork and posters. It's all about stimulation and nothing about calmness. And as for socialization, Rachel hasn't found a best friend in the whole year. Oh, she has fun with the other girls in class, but there's no one that she's bonded with.

On the other hand, she and DH went to a local hs park day and old friends were there. There was a little girl that Rachel hadn't seen in 6 months. The girl ran up to Rachel, gave her a big hug, and announced to everyone that she has known Rachel for 2 years and she is her best friend ever. So sweet.

Well, that's where we are at the moment. Who knows? After summer vacation, Rachel may be begging to go back to school. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Bren said...

My children are very similar to yours. Too much activity, too many people, too much going on does not sit well with them. Typical classrooms are very difficult for them. However, even with an education background, I find homeschooling much too daunting. I applaud and admire those who do it.