Monday, February 16, 2009

SoCal in the Winter!

We went to the Great Park in Irvine. It is still a work in progress, but for the next month they will have free ice skating. You need to go early as the tickets go quickly. You get a ticket for a 45-minute session. We got there at 11:30am and got tickets for 3pm. They had crafts set up for the kids and there is a free balloon ride. Actually, FREE was the word for the day. While we were in line for the skating tickets, we got free mittens. A booth raffling off orange bikes was giving away frisbees. The sample chai tea from Starbucks was free as the hot chocolate. Peete's Coffee even gave away regular size cups of coffee for free. The Anaheim Ducks were there with hockey games for the kids. You can even spin a wheel to win prizes: drink holder, cap, or hockey puck. We ended up going to the Irvine Spectrum for lunch and came back in time for skating. While skating, two of the Duck cheerleaders came onto the ice and the Ducks mascot skated, as well. We ended up staying till 5pm. A lovely, lovely day.

1 comment:

SoCal_Me said...

Sounds and looks fun. Oh, and free stuff is always a good thing. I like the mittens :)